Things to Check Before Purchasing a Ductless Fume Hood

Also known as Carbon-filtered enclosures, fume hoods are a necessary addition to a chemical laboratory. Ductless fume hoods are the ones with filters that are found in many types. Based on the chemical used, the installation of the fume hood takes place to keep people in the vicinity safe and secure.

●    Purpose For Usage:

There are various kinds of uses for installing a Ductless fume hood. Either it is required to stop the light-duty flow of chemicals or for heavy-duty chemicals. Based on the kinds of chemicals used at the laboratory and their amount, the Ductless fume hood should be chosen. Make sure that the filtration of the chemicals is within the range of the fume hood. Or else it can be dangerous for many people’s health.

●    Filter Maintenance:

Every Ductless fume hood has a chemical-specific filter outfitted in its structure. These filters trap the chemicals and filter them successfully so that they do not cause harm to nearby people's health. But not every filter is designed to filter all kinds of chemicals. Thus based on the amount and type of chemical being used near the fume hood, attach the filter.

Another thing to pay attention to for a filter in the Ductless fume hood is its repair. A filter can last around a few months to two years or so. Based on its usage and maintenance, the lifespan of the filter can vary. It would also mean that if you use the wrong filter, the maintenance costs will increase. This also happens when the filter is not being cleaned regularly. So make sure to get the right fit for the fume hood and pay attention to its maintenance.

●    Noise Factor:

Since there is a carbon filter involved, the Ductless fume hood makes noise while it is filtering the chemicals. This factor is important to take into consideration because the noise, depending on the fume hood and filter, can be irritating. If you prefer a calm environment to carry out your experiments, then make sure to find a fume hood with less noise.

Give the fume hood a try before purchasing it. This will help you in finding the right fit for your laboratory.


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